Mecklenburg County Parks
This example has features styled using the unique
symbology type where values of a particular attribute ("prktype" in this example) have a specific style.
We're also using a function based popupTemplate
to format our data so it's a little easier to read - In this case convert attributes to Proper Case instead of UPPER CASE.
gitspatial_parks = new lvector.GitSpatial({ user: 'JasonSanford', repo: 'mecklenburg-gis-opendata', featureSet: 'parks', popupTemplate: function(properties) { var properCase = function(s) { if (s){ return s.replace(/_/gi, " ").replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();}); } else { return ""; } }; var html = '<div class="iw-content"><h3>' + properCase( + '</h3><table class="condensed-table">'; html += '<tr><th>Address</th><td>' + properCase(properties.address) + '</td></tr>'; return html += '</table></div>'; }, symbology: { type: "unique", property: "type", values: [ { value: "REGIONAL PARK", vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: "../../docs-demo/img/markers/park.png" }) } }, { value: "NEIGHBORHOOD PARK", vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: "../../docs-demo/img/markers/park.png" }) } }, { value: "COMMUNITY PARK", vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: "../../docs-demo/img/markers/park.png" }) } }, { value: "NATURE PRESERVE", vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: "../../docs-demo/img/markers/nature-preserve.png" }) } }, { value: "RECREATION CENTER", vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: "../../docs-demo/img/markers/recreation-center.png" }) } }, { value: "GOLF COURSE", vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: "../../docs-demo/img/markers/golf.png" }) } } ] } });
Cambridge Neighborhoods
This example has a simple, single symbology and uses the showAll
parameter to fetch all features at once since there are only a handful.
We're also using a simple string based popupTemplate
and have singlePopup
set to true
so that the map isn't too cluttered.
gitspatial_neighborhoods = new lvector.GitSpatial({ user: 'JasonSanford', repo: 'cambridgegis_data', featureSet: 'neighborhoods', showAll: true, symbology: { type: 'single', vectorOptions: { fillColor: '#ff7800', color: '#46461f', weight: 3, opacity: 1 } }, popupTemplate: '<h3>{NAME}</h3>', singlePopup: true });
Cambridge Utility Poles
This example uses a range
symbology type to display utility poles with three different ranges of height using different colored markers.
gitspatial_utility_poles = new lvector.GitSpatial({ user: 'JasonSanford', repo: 'cambridgegis_data', featureSet: 'utility_poles', scaleRange: [16, 18], popupTemplate: '<h4>Height: {ELEV}\'</h4>', singlePopup: true, symbology: { type: 'range', property: 'ELEV', ranges: [ { range: [0, 12], vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: '../../docs-demo/img/markers/utility-blue.png' }) } }, { range: [12.000001, 20], vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: '../../docs-demo/img/markers/utility-orange.png' }) } }, { range: [20.000001, 100], vectorOptions: { icon: new customMarker({ iconUrl: '../../docs-demo/img/markers/utility-red.png' }) } } ] } });